National and International Papers and Contributions
2020, Dec
Sinus node disease: Concepts and controversies

EHRA Webinar

2020, Dec
Update on secondary mitral regurgitation

EACVI Webinar

2020, Dec
Sports Cardiology. Focus 2: Exercise as secondary prevention in CVD (CAD, HF, Arrhythmias)

ESC Webinars Series

2020, Oct
Sports Cardiology. Focus 1: 2020 Sports Cardiology and Physical Activity in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease ESC Guidelines: implications

ESC Webinars Series

2020, Sep
Absolute quantification of myocardial perfusion

EACVI Webinar

2020, Sep
Single cell analysis in atherosclerosis

Working Groups Webinar

2020, Sep
How to diagnose arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy using multimodality imaging?

EACVI Webinar

2020, Jun
Multimodality amyloidosis imaging

EACVI Webinar

2020, Apr
The present and future of antiarrhythmic drug treatment in 2020

EHRA Webinar

2019, 10th-12th Oct
5th ESVM Congress (European Society of Vascular Medicine)

Ljubljana, Slovenia

2019, 30th Aug
5th Sports Cardiology Course

Paris, France

2019, 29th-30th Mar
Course CHIP Romania – Complex Higher-Risk (and Indicated) Patients

Bucharest, Romania

2019, 13th Dec
"Artherial youth: Between desire and reality"

Timişoara, Romania

Material presented at the symposium "Traditional products - source of health" - organized under the auspices of the National Federation of Traditional Product Producers in Romania, together with the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat "King Mihai 1st of Romania" in Timisoara - Faculty of Food Engineering, Faculty of Animal Energy Bioenergy

2018, 28th-29th Sep
Educational Training Programme on "Arteries from head to toe"

Brussels, Belgium

"Younger people have more severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome"

European Respiratory Journal

Roxana Pleavã, Kevin Muller, Alexandra Rus, Alexandru Ciotlos - Sinoi, Daniela Reisz, Rodica Dan, Ştefan Mihãicuţã (Eur Resp Society Congress, Paris, sept. 2018); 52: PA4361; / DOI: 10.1183/13993003.congress-2018.PA4361

"SAS score: Targeting high-specificity for efficient population-wide monitoring of obstructive sleep apnea"


A. Topîrceanu, M. Udrescu, L. Udrescu, C. Ardelean, R. Dan, D. Reisz, Ş. Mihãicuţã, PLoS ONE 13 (9): e0202042, sept 2018; (supported by Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI - UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1145, within PNCDI III)

2017, 20th-23rd Nov
EAPC Course: "Preventive Cardiology, Cardiac Rehabilitation & Sports Cardiology"

Bern, Switzerland

2017, 28th-30th Sep
European Resuscitation Council Congress

Freiburg, Germany

2017, 13th-17th Sep
Ultrasound Masterclass

Vienna, Austria

"Obesity in association with Sleep Apnea Syndrome as predictor for coronary-vascular comorbidities"


R. Pleavã, D. Gaiţã, C. Ardeleanu, Ş. Frentz, M. Udrescu, L. Udrescu, R. Dan, D. Reisz, Ş. Mihãicuţã, Pneumologia, 2016; vol. 65; 1: 14-18 (this paper was co-financed from the European Social Fund through Sectorial Operational Programme – Human Resources Development 2007-2013, project number POSDRU/1871.5/S/155631, entitled "Doctoral programs at the forefront of research excellence in priority domains: health, materials, products and innovative processes", Beneficiary – "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest

2015, Oct
CTEPH Masterclass

Vienna, Austria

"Relationship between carotid wall thickness and multiple severity parameters in COPD patients"

European Respiratory Journal

O. Fira-Mlãdinescu, R. Dan, C. Oancea, Al. Crişan, E. Tudorache, L. Petrescu, V. Tudorache, European Respiratory Journal, september 1, 2014, vol. 44, no. suppl 58 2954

"New constances and approcahes in acute myocardial post-infarct cardiogen shock"

Contribution to "Progrese în Cardiologie" 2014, Media Med Publicis

R. Dan, L. Petrescu

2014, 2nd-4th Oct.
"Acute member ischemia syndrome"

Sinaia, Romania

Paper presented at the Conference of the Emergency Cardiology Working Group, "Non-coronary cardiovascular emergencies - practical attitude", at the 53rd National Congress of Cardiology, Sinaia, Oct. 2nd-4th, 2014

R. Dan

2014, 2nd-4th Oct.
"Acute coronary ischemia within pregnancy"

Sinaia, Romania

Paper presented at the Round Table on "Cardiovascular problems in pregnant women", during the 53rd National Congress of Cardiology, Sinaia, 2nd - 4th Oct.

R. Dan

2014, 21st Mar.
"Pseudo-Aneurism of VS post-NSTEMI - a real emergency?"

Oradea, Romania

Oral presentation given at the session "Clinical Cases in Emergency Cardiology", organized by the Working Group of Emergency Cardiology of the Romanian Society of Cardiology, Oradea, March 21st, 2014

R. Dan, L. Petrescu, M. Gaşpar